The Most Famous Hills in Rome "Aventine Hill"

The Most Famous Hills in Rome "Aventine Hill"

There are seven dominant hills which loom over the city of Rome and next to the Tiber River at the southernmost point, is Aventine Hill. Many myths surround this particular hill involving the origins of the city and none more so than that of the two brothers – Romulus and Remus.

On a private tour to Aventine Hill you will learn more about the story, but essentially, each of the brothers was allocated a hill on which to build a city. While Romulus chose Palatine Hill, Remus decided upon Aventine Hill. Unfortunately for his brother, it was Romulus who would go on to found what is now known as the city of Rome.

Today Aventine Hill casts almost a ghostly sight for no longer is there the Temple of Diana, which once stood here and the nearby neighborhoods emphasize this further in the fact that they are extremely quiet areas. However, the serene and scenic surroundings in the orange and rose garden along with enchanting churches and a captivating story ensure that a private tour to Aventine Hill is most certainly worth taking.

Last but not least, a true highlight of a visit to the Hill is the incredible vantage point from which to view St Peter's Basilica. It is often referred to as the keyhole view but regardless, it is just another reason to take a private tour to one of the most famous hills in Rome.

private tour to Aventine Hill in Rome

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