Top 26 Things to See and Do in Rome Tours

top 26 things to see and do in rome tours

It feels obligatory to visit the Rome once you are in Italy and indeed it is worth any time and money to witness the awesomeness of this masterpiece of the Ancient Roman’s achievements in architecture and engineering work. Private tours in Rome is the best way to visit all the attractions.

  1. Vatican City

    Even a layman knows Vatican is the ultimate symbol and authority of the Roman Catholic Church. In spite of being the smallest country border with Italy, Vatican City has so much to offer. Whether you are a Catholic or not, St. Peter’s Basilica is definitely going to dazzle you with Michelangelo’s masterpiece, Pieta. Vatican has so many museums that art buffs savor. The most famous work of Michelangelo in the museums is the Frescoed Ceiling in Sistine Chapel. A full-day private tour of Rome and Vatican City guarantees visitors a fantastic field day.

  2. Colosseum

    There is no doubt that you will be impressed by the immenseness and the history of the Colosseum. However, it is those little things happening along the way on your tour that leave you the best memories.

  3. The Arch of Constantine

    You only can’t miss the Arch of Constantine thanks to its proximity to the Colosseum. Just like other monuments left from the ancient Roman time, the Arch of Constantine is magnificent.

  4. The Roman Forum

    The Roman Forum is a cluster of massive ruins spread over a vast area when you take a first glimpse at it. Without any signs of explanations, you can’t even know what it is you are looking at.

  5. The Palatine Hill

    It does justice to call the Palatine Hill “the Hill of Palaces” because of its many palaces dedicated to emperors or their wives and the luxurious houses of rich people.

  6. Pantheon

    The Dome of the World-Pantheon. Just when you think you have seen enough of ruins in Rome, Boom!, the almost entire Pantheon looms in front of you. Pantheon is an ultimate masterpiece of architecture and art.

  7. Campo de' Fiori

    The only square in Rome without a church Campo de' Fiori. Yes, you can call it a ‘lay’ corner of Rome. A bustling and vibrant daily street market in the morning that transforms into a nightlife center in the evening.

  8. Piazza Navona

    Like all Roman piazzas, Piazza Navona was and still is a meeting place of people in Rome where centuries ago markets, processions, as well as mock naval battles, were held here whereas now it is a typical Baroque square.

  9. The Spanish Steps

    Someone says visiting Rome without seeing the Spanish Steps is like drinking soup without salt. A great metaphor it is, indeed. The Spanish Steps built by French people!

  10. Via Appia Antica

    Appian Way, the first long road specifically designed for the purpose of transporting troops outside the smaller region of Rome, was materialized. You can’t possibly see it all, but you certainly can have a relaxing tour on the initial stretch of the Ancient Appian Way.

  11. National Museum of Rome

    National Museum of Rome is an attraction you won’t want to miss because it possesses the world’s single greatest collection of Ancient Roman art.

  12. Villa Borghese Park

    The best ancient architectures and arts, when it is overabundant, can tire people out. Here comes a spacey Villa Borghese Park where you can reinvigorate yourself after some really exhaustive visits to other attractions in Rome.

  13. The Jewish Ghetto and the Jewish Museum of Rome

    Rome is the only city in Europe never to expel Jews and has the longest history of the Jewish community since the second century BC, a life of Jews in Rome wasn’t necessary smooth either.

  14. Trevi Fountain

    You probably feel familiar with Trevi Fountain even before you are actually here and see it with your own eyes, thanks to many movies that featured Trevi Fountain. Make a wish at Trevi Fountain.

  15. Capitoline Hill

    Once considered as the Capital of the World, the Capitoline Hill itself is a witness of Italy’s long history dating back to the Ancient Rome and a great legacy Italians are proud of. During the glorious period of the Ancient Rome several massive temples such as the Temple of Jupiter, and the built here overlooking the Roman Forum, which symbolized Rome’s reign as the Capitol of the world, Caput Mundi. Half-day private tours of Rome will enable you to visit the most worth seeing attractions on the Hill.

  16. Capitoline Museum

    The fact that Capitoline Museum is the world's first public museum is simply impressive enough to attract millions of tourists every year to appreciate its immense collection of Roman art from the ancients to the Baroque. Michelangelo's famous Piazza del Campidoglio is bookended between Capitoline Museum and Palazzo Dei Conservatori.

  17. Ostia Antica

    Legend has it that Ostia my have been Rome’s first colonia, an outpost established in conquered territory to secure it. About 20 miles away from Rome, Ostia Antica was a boisterous commercial seaport but today it is totally uncommercial with well preserved archaeological ruins. A half-day private tour of Rome to Ostia Antica will allow the layman to see beyond the ruins and make sense what it used to be like.

  18. Trajan’s Forum

    Being the last of the imperial fora built, Forum of Trajan was the grandest and the most imposing forum. In fact, Trajan’s Forum itself was a veritable city in which a huge basilica, two libraries, and a colonnade around the square were all covered with rich marble ornamentation. Trajan’s Market was constructed at the same period of time as Trajan’s Forum and within this multilevel brick complex, there were both commercial activities and administrative offices handling the city’s affairs. In your private tour of Trajan’s Forum, you will be able to get the best overview of the entire forum from the series of terraced rooms.

  19. Trastevere

    A district in Rome ' beyond the Tiber River', Trastevere is famous for its various nightlife activities. Despite its ' foreign' atmosphere thanks to two American universities and a high population of expatriates in this area, Trastevere still remains fairly Italian. You will find Piazza di Santa Maria is the heart of Trastevere. This pedestrianized square piazza is lined with restaurants and pricey bars, faded palazzi, and the church of Santa Maria.

  20. Quirinale

    Quirinal Palace is the official home of the President of the Republic on the Quirinal Hill. The Palace first was the permanent residence of the papacy (32 Popes) until 1870, then became the official residence of the kings of Italy (4 Kings), and has been the presidency of the Italian Republic since 1949. The Scuderie del Quirinale served as the carriage house and stable of Quirinal Palace but now it is a venue for major cultural events and exhibitions. The Palace has 1,200 rooms in total in an area of 110,500 square meters, about 20 times that of the White House in America.

  21. Domus Romane

    Domus means upscale urban houses. Domus Romane was first excavated in 2007. As was common practice in Renaissance-era Rome, the ancient structures were filled with landfill and used as the foundation for Palazzo Valentini. During an hour of your private tours of Rome, through multimedia, you will not only see the luxurious and well-preserved houses but also actually experience what ancient Romans' life was like.

  22. Aventine Hill

    Being one of the Seven Hills of Rome, the Aventine Hill has a lot to offer. Although it is right in the heart of the bustling centre of Rome. the Aventine Hill is an oasis where visitors can enjoy a leisurely sightseeing.  Looking through the keyhole of the Priory of the Knights of Malta, you will be able to have a sweeping view of the Eternal City with the Dome of the St. Peter's right in the center.

  23. Piazza Venezia

    Piazza Venezia is where four major roads meet, hence the chaotic traffic is a constant phenomenon. Actor Alberto Sordi's 1960 comedy movie 'The Traffic Police' clearly demonstrated the chaos. The most imposing structure in Piazza Venezia is the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, which is often referred to as either the 'wedding cake' or ' the typewriter'. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini gave his rabble-rousing speeches here.

  24. Castel Sant'Angelo

    The turbulent history of Rome is reflected in the changes of the function of Castel Sant'Angelo. It was a mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian and his family, then became a part of the city wall, later was transformed into a fortress and as a papal residence, and finally as a defensive bastion and military prison. There is a secret corridor, Passetto di Borgo, connecting Castel Sant'Angelo with the Vatican. Legend has it that in 590 Archangel Michael appeared on top of the building and ended the plague so it was renamed Castel Sant'Angelo.

  25. Catacomb of Callixtus

    The longest and probably the most important cemetery in Rome, Catacomb of Callixtus has four levels which run 20 meters deep and 20 Km long. Sixteen Popes and tens of martyrs were buried here. At its peak, it is estimated there were more than 500,000 Christians buried here. Although at the beginning it was used primarily as an underground cemetery, Catacomb of Callixtus later was partly used as a hiding place for Christians escaping persecution by Romans. Therefore, there are many frescos, art and small churches illustrating the underground life of Christians. A private tour of Catacomb of Callixtus is a must because one can easily get lost in the maze-like tunnels.

  26. Baths of Caracalla

    The Baths of Caracalla is simply breathtaking. Baths of Caracalla will enable you to gain an insight into how Romans lived their life. Even just using your imagination it feels great, doesn’t it? Wait till you are physically there! Baths of Caracalla is the last place to see in your Rome private tour. Explore and enjoy the 26 must see places in Rome.
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