On a Private Tour of Valletta the City Built by Gentlemen for Gentlemen

Resplendent Valletta, Capital of Malta sits on a peninsula high above its two deep harbours. On a Private tour of Valletta, a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen, so said its founding father. This magnificent fortress city was constructed by the Knights of St John in the 16th century and is now the commercial and administrative heart of these islands.

This important fortress town and Cathedral was built in just 15 years and probably most astonishingly all by hand as mechanical tools had yet to be invented. Abundantly rich in historic buildings there is plenty to see around every corner. Wandering the narrow winding streets makes you believe that you have gone back in time with great fountains and quaint shops at every turn.

Valletta has World Heritage City status, and it is easy to see why as apart from its interesting Baroque buildings it has idyllic gardens and piazzas. It is easy to lose yourself in the lanes and alleys and imagine you have turned back the clock to those ancient times.

While you are touring Malta, please visit here are many people who describe Gozo as a city that is what Malta was like before in the influx of tourism industry and commercial businesses. Sightseeing private tour of Gozo Island for a relaxing break!

Let the activities begin!
Complete Valletta Walking City Tour
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On this tour you will visit the main highlights of Valletta, while also visiting often ignored but equally fascinating parts of the city.

3 hours Scheduling Shared Tour Valletta
Fort St Elmo
1 Standing guard over the entrance to the Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour is the imposing Fort St Elmo.  It is hard to imagine how the Knights took only four months to complete this imposing structure but it was a blessing when it protected their island from the Great Siege by the Turkish in 1565.  Each year a colourful pageant takes place in the courtyard.
National War Museum
2 Take a private tour of this fabulous museum found in the St Elmo Fort. Covering the many roles Malta has played in both modern and previous history from its own Great Siege to fighting in WWII. Apart from the horrors of fighting it also tells the story of everyday people trying to continue with their normal lives. Of course, the Pride of Place is held by the George Cross medal awarded to the entire population in 1942
Grand Masters Palace
3 Once the seat of Maltas Parliament and home to the Knights of St John this fortress type structure belies the glorious interior.  As the official residence of the Maltese President, the magnificent State Apartments have only five rooms open to the public. Hung with beautiful tapestries of exotic scenes of Africa and friezes from the Book of Genesis. So many breathtaking things to see so don't miss a tour here
National Museum of Archaeology
4 Take a guided private tour to this awesome museum in the Auberge de Provence to see the prehistoric figurines and stone tools dating back to 5200 BC.  The most famous figurine would be the sleeping or reclining lady with her rounded arms and thighs but tiny feet and hands.  Marvel at the intricate carvings and stunning friezes from Tarxien Temples along with jewellery and figurines from the Bronze Age.
St Johns Cathedral
5 Designed by the Architect Gerolamo Cassar it is probably the most impressive Church on Malta. Its fairly simple outside hides the glory that is the interior where each wall, pillar and ceiling is richly decorated in the most glorious gold. It is a riot of colour and calmness all in one, and the floor is a patchwork of marble slabs and tombs. It is easy to picture the Knights gathering here for their communal worship
Upper Barrakka Gardens
6 High above the Grand Harbour are these fabulous collonaded gardens.  A stunning place to escape the city below and to take in the fantastic panoramic view.  Maybe even imagine you are one of the Knights who came here to relax in this shady sanctuary.  Make sure you are there at 4 p.m. when a cannon is fired daily from the terrace below.  From here salutes were once fired to visiting Navy vessels.
State Apartments
7 Make a private tour of these sumptuous apartments consisting of the Armory Corridor decorated in scenes from great navy battles, the State Dining Room with brightly coloured tapestries showing exotic scenes from Africa and the Supreme Council Hall and Minstrels Gallery.  The Red State Room is still where the Maltese President receives foreign envoys and is a peek into the opulent lifestyle of days gone by.
Casa Rocca Piccola
8 Luxurious, Extravagant take your pick to describe the breathtaking Casa Rocca Piccola family home of the 9th Marquis de Piro.  He has generously opened part of his palazzo to the public and offers an insight into the aristocracies privileged lifestyle.  The beauty of the extensive library and other richly decorated rooms still set out in their original form gives a really authentic atmosphere 
Toy Museum
9 Arrange a custom tour to this fabulous Toy Museum opened in 1998 by Vincent Brown. Many of the displays are from his personal collection gathered over 30 years. Displayed in glass cases due to their age are trains, dolls, matchbox cars, planes and boats from the 1950s. His belief that toys recapture your memories of childhood fun and adventure make this a more personal experience.
Parliament Building
10 Possibly the most controversial building in Malta is the ultra modern Parliament Building.  Its main buildings seem to hover in the air over the piazza, but in reality, it is supported on many concrete stilts.  Although no the most attractive of buildings it has been ecologically designed to reduce solar radiation and its whole roof is panelled and generates enough energy to heat in winter and cool in summer.  

Travel Tips for Valletta