Key West on Private Tour Is the Key to Great Adventure and Experiences
The 'key' to having great experiences and adventures is through a private tour of Key West, a one of a kind Island city that is part of Florida Keys Archipelago found in the state of Florida, United States.
It is regarded to be a free-spirited, sometimes quirky, very laid-back, breathtakingly scenic and truly artistic place to visit. A fantastic place to go on holiday because of the tropical climate and the live and let live attitude that is found everywhere in Key West.
From day one Key West has been a destination to rejuvenate, fish, write books/ poetry/ songs and, generally, a place to have a restful, relaxing holiday.
That is of course until the evening time, when you might have a different experience. It is a great lively holiday atmosphere every night here, and you cannot help but get swept up in it. There are many 'nights of your life' ahead if you are planning a tour to Key West.
Top 10 Things to Do in Key West

Travel Tips for Key West
The perfect time to visit Florida is probably not when you expect it to be. With its subtropical climate, the best time is between March and May when temperatures are in the low 80s during the day and the season is not yet in full swing. This helps avoid too many crowds, and you can normally get more reasonable prices and deals. Winter months can still reach a cool 65º, but the Atlantic sea breeze can cut the temperature dramatically.
Florida can be expensive, Florida with kids can be scarily expensive. But you can make it fit your budget by following some of these helpful hints. Posh restaurants can be perfect for a special occasion, but for everyday eating, look for places where the locals hang out. Move away from the seafront area and ask the staff at your hotel for their recommendations. Also look for free voucher booklets in your hotel lobby.
Always make your reservations and research your accommodation well in advance do not turn up and think you will find something. On average Florida has an average yearly turnaround of over 100 million tourists, so there may be no room at the Inn. Prepare yourself for the traffic people can drive like maniacs and not many obey the traffic signs. Lastly, make sure before going out you have insect repellent don't be an unsuspecting meal for the mosquitoes.
Visit when the temperature is comfortable for your own needs. By that we mean if you are planning to go on sightseeing tours, you do not want it to be so hot you cannot walk around and see all there is to see. Humidity can be as high as 80% some months which would be uncomfortable for most Europeans. Hurricane season can be pretty scary and although most storms are short-lived and can be hard for most tourists unused to this climate.
Travel Tips for Key West
The perfect time to visit Florida is probably not when you expect it to be. With its subtropical climate, the best time is between March and May when temperatures are in the low 80s during the day and the season is not yet in full swing. This helps avoid too many crowds, and you can normally get more reasonable prices and deals. Winter months can still reach a cool 65º, but the Atlantic sea breeze can cut the temperature dramatically.
Florida can be expensive, Florida with kids can be scarily expensive. But you can make it fit your budget by following some of these helpful hints. Posh restaurants can be perfect for a special occasion, but for everyday eating, look for places where the locals hang out. Move away from the seafront area and ask the staff at your hotel for their recommendations. Also look for free voucher booklets in your hotel lobby.
Always make your reservations and research your accommodation well in advance do not turn up and think you will find something. On average Florida has an average yearly turnaround of over 100 million tourists, so there may be no room at the Inn. Prepare yourself for the traffic people can drive like maniacs and not many obey the traffic signs. Lastly, make sure before going out you have insect repellent don't be an unsuspecting meal for the mosquitoes.
Visit when the temperature is comfortable for your own needs. By that we mean if you are planning to go on sightseeing tours, you do not want it to be so hot you cannot walk around and see all there is to see. Humidity can be as high as 80% some months which would be uncomfortable for most Europeans. Hurricane season can be pretty scary and although most storms are short-lived and can be hard for most tourists unused to this climate.